
Brian Tierney is a longtime socialist activist who works as a communications specialist for a labor union in Washington, DC.

After completing his undergraduate studies in International Affairs and Latin America Studies, he has been working in the labor movement and writing reports and analyses on various struggles for social and economic justice. In addition to reporting on protests in the DC area, he also writes about union struggles, immigrant rights, the fight to defend public education, and struggles of the poor and working class in general.

His work has been published in The Washington Post, The Nation, The Progressive, Common Dreams, CounterPunch, Socialist Worker and The Neoprogressive. Brian can be reached via email at btier@yahoo.com.

  1. Andrew Mancini

    For a minute, I thought the world had turned upside down. Brian Tierney is the name of a toxic Philadelphia area, GOP affiliated, public relations guy. I thought he may have had some sort of epiphany; no such luck. But it did bring me to your website, which I find informative and well written.

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